I’ve gotten to know Paul Campbell over the past few years because he was the co-organizer of the Apple-focused Úll conference. But he’s also the co-founder of Tito, a company focused on event ticketing. (Disclosure: A few years back I was paid to perform podcast interviews for a conference run by Tito.)
As you might expect, as a company focused on live events, Tito got hit hard by COVID-19. What’s remarkable is that the company immediately reacted by building Vito, a platform for hosting community-first online events.
Anyway, in the context of receiving some investment funding, today Paul provided a bit of a status report:
Tito is still alive and people still love it. We actually managed to complete most of the work on the product updates from last year and those will ship out of beta soon. Watch this space.
We’ve quietly been shaping Vito into our vision for creating engaging online community spaces that strengthen the relationship between organisers, sponsors and participants.
I’ve never been more excited to work on anything than I am with Vito, and that’s even after the toughest year we’ve ever had.
I was very impressed by how the people at Tito took the gut punch from COVID-19 and decided it was an opportunity to build something they’d always considered as a future project, immediately.