This week Six Colors is being brought to you by Tempo. Tempo is an email client with a calming interface, with unique features that will help remove email anxiety and put you in control.
Tempo delivers new emails in batches around a customizable schedule, giving you control of when you get notified to sort through everything that’s new. You can effortlessly sort your inbox, marking everything that needs your attention as a To-Do item, setting Reminders for later, and archiving the rest. There’s also a special tab to keep newsletters neatly separated from the rest of your inbox so that you can read them in peace.
Tempo allows you to connect up to five Gmail accounts seamlessly. Toggle accounts in any combination that best suits you. Don’t want to see work emails during the weekend? Toggle off your work account on Friday and switch it back on Monday.
Privacy is important to us at Tempo. We will never sell your data and only track what is necessary, which we do anonymously. We also actively remove tracking pixels from messages before they’re delivered and rendered for you to view.
We believe your most important work happens outside of the email client. We aim to reduce the time you spend on email to focus on the work that matters. Check out Tempo today.