By Jason Snell
March 17, 2021 5:14 PM PT
I use Twitter a lot, and have for a long time. But I recently discovered that there’s a feature of Twitter that most people don’t use—and it’s one that I’ve been using heavily for years in order to make Twitter work better for me: the Twitter List.
Twitter Lists are essentially alternate Twitter timelines. If you follow someone on Twitter, their tweets appear in your main timeline. If you add someone to a List, their tweets appear only in that List. If you’re overwhelmed with the amount of stuff in your Twitter timeline, one way to calm it down is to move a bunch of the people you follow into Lists and stop following them.
(Alternately, you could continue to follow a huge number of people—but secretly add the people you really care about to a List, and only read that List.)
Twitter Lists can be public or private.…