Flexibits rolls Cardhop into Fantastical subscription ↦

Flexibits call

I love Flexibits’s Fantastical 3, which I use across all my devices. But I have to admit I never really warmed to Cardhop, the company’s contact-management app.

Still, I’m open to giving it another try, and now might be a good time: The company just announced Cardhop 2.0, adding dyamically generated relationship trees, business-card scanning, and widgets. And most importantly, Cardhop is now a part of the company’s subscription plan, which is now called Flexibits Premium. This means that if you are a subscriber to Fantastical, you get Cardhop too.

This makes a lot of sense. To me, Cardhop has always felt more like a sidekick to Fantastical—and it’s now an added benefit of paying for Fantastical. I’d still like to see more integration between the two apps—I’d prefer not to have to configure two separate keyboard shortcuts for two separate drop-down menu bar items on my Mac, for example—but this is a good start.

—Linked by Jason Snell

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