Federico Viticci updates his “Apple Frames” shortcut ↦

A very meta screenshot of the Apple Frames shortcut in action.

One of the most clever iOS Shortcuts out there is the one Federico Viticci built to place iOS and watchOS screenshots inside images of the hardware they’re running on. (An example is attached to the top of this very article.)

Federico has updated his shortcut to support the 2020 iPad Air, and it’s as good a time as any for me to spread the word about this project. (If you’ve never downloaded someone else’s shortcuts before, you’ll need to open the Settings app, navigate to Shortcuts, and turn on “Allowed Untrusted Shortcuts.”)

If you ever want to represent what’s going on on an iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch and make it more interesting than a bare screenshot, Federico’s shortcut will get you what you want in a single tap. Point the shortcut at a screenshot and it’ll detect what device took the shot, place that image on Apple-shot product photography, and let you choose what to do with the result—save it to Photos, share it with someone else, put it on the clipboard, you name it.

And since Shortcuts lets you open up any shortcut and see how it works, this shortcut also stands as a great example of the power of the app. The Apple images are stored inside the shortcut itself as base64-encoded text blocks, so they can ride along with the script instead of requiring separate image downloads positioned in just the right places in your filesystem.

—Linked by Jason Snell

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